Fastest Mouth to Muscle Carbohydrate Drink

Vitargo is the fastest body fuel for before, during, and after exercise, and supporting same-day recovery for tournament competitions and multi-training days.

Vitargo allows everyone to fully fuel training yet feel empty enough to train. Train with Vitargo again that day with same day recovery. Nothing comes close!

Proof Before Promises

1.  A sports carbohydrate  

With over 2x the absorption speed to fuel your working muscles faster. 

2.  70% faster glycogen recovery.

Long endurance events, multi day competitions, 1 hr. high intensity tournaments. It's all about sustained energy to execute the impossible.  Discover Glycogen recovery at its finest. 

3.  23% stronger performance.

Ultimately, it's about outperforming yourself. You've put in the training hours and you're properly fueled, it's time to surprise yourself. Go for it!

How to Mix Vitargo

Scoop Guide:  

  • 1 level scoop in 500 ml water per hour for moderate 1 hour workouts.
  • 2++ scoops in 750 ml water per hour for hard interval training for 2 hours and over.

Mixing Guide:  

  1. Pour 300ml water (with whisk ball inside)
  2. Add full Sachet or Scoop(s) of Vitargo then shake vigorously for 15 seconds
  3. Add water to fill the bottle then slightly shake
You're All Set!

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